each of us is a spark and we help each other burn brighter

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✧ september 2nd 2024 ✧

so i've been working on this website and i'm sort of having a hard time. when i'm at work, and i'm just thinking to myself, i feel like i have so much creative energy and inspiration but by the time i'm finished with work it's all gone. this is true for art and writing as well. and it's super frustrating!! i feel like something's blocking me but i don't know what it is.

i definitely had more to say but i don't remember. my memory is so fucked. i was diagnosed with adhd as a kid but now that i'm starting to understand how often i'm dissociating i wonder if it's just that. but maybe it's adhd on top of dissociation .-. go me.

anyway we're all having a hard time trying to decide what to write about ourselves! this is supposed to be our space where we can be ourselves but i think we're all still a little scared of what other people will think. but i also feel like maybe we just don't know ourselves that well. especially the others are still trying to find their places. i hope this site helps with that. i love them all a lot and i want them to feel like this is their life as much as it is mine.

✧ theo